Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Chada Is Learning How To Be A Bear After Her Circus Life!!

By admin Nov28,2023 is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn More

There was a huge hue and cry when footage of a Chinese zoo went viral showing a sun bear standing on her hind legs! Viewers were arguing over its authenticity, whether it was a real animal or just a man in a costume!

People showed the least concern if the bear was compelled to stand like this or physically abused to act in a certain way. Ironically, this viral video actually boosted attendance up to 30% at China’s Hangzhou Zoo. Hangzhou Zoo takes in animals formerly used in circuses. 

Circuses around the globe separate cubs from their mothers, subjecting them to harsh training and performances. Confined in small cages with limited freedom, these naturally wide-ranging animals endure stress and loneliness far from their natural habitat.

And when they get old and slow, they are conveniently discarded by circuses. Chada is one such bear discarded by her circus owners and rescued by Save Wild Fund. Chada tasted freedom after 20 years of captivity.

Due to being imprisoned in tiny cages, she faced stunted growth and couldn’t match up with the sizes of her peers. She was given a separate enclosure so she wouldn’t have any problem due to her small stature. 

When you realize this is the first time she has ever experienced being in an open field and near water, it really pinches your heart. She can now enjoy the opportunity of having such a wide space to move around freely and relish the liberty of experiencing nature so closely – something she’s never had before!

white bear playing

Bears are naturally curious and energetic, needing space to explore and forage. In contrast, circus bears often show signs of distress, like continuous pacing. It’s heartening to see Chada, now freed from the circus, roaming her new enclosure, a behavior typical of happier, healthier bears.

Bears are also captured for the perceived medicinal uses of bear bile. Humans can go to extreme lengths to satiate their selfish desires, even at the cost of harming such beautiful living creatures.

bear in zoo

Bears usually live 20-30 years in the wild, and we see Chada wasting half of her life performing in a circus. Now, she finally has the chance to live out her remaining years in peace.

So, where do we stand when it comes to helping animals like her? First and foremost, stop going to circuses and animal shows that are run on behalf of animals suffering to this extent.

Secondly, we need to help charities and organizations that are practically helping these animals in distress. By spreading awareness and contributing in any way we can, we make a difference. Our collective efforts are vital in conserving the natural world and its inhabitants.

All is not lost if we care to know what is wrong with this world. It depends on us to take some steps to help the animals in their plight and conserve the beauty of nature in its true sense!

Source: Youtube @ GeoBeats Animals

By admin

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