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What Animals Attack Dogs? 9 Predators To Watch For To Keep Your Pet Safe

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Having a dog means lots of fun outdoors, especially if your furry friend is big or full of energy. It’s all about having a good time, but keeping your dog safe is key, even in places like your own backyard or the local park where you might not think wild animals are a concern.

Believe it or not, encounters with wildlife can happen almost anywhere, not just in the wild. In some areas, especially where lots of people and animals live close together, more of these run-ins are seen. The good news is, many of these situations can be avoided with a bit of care and know-how.

So, before you head out for your next adventure, remember there are 9 wild animals in particular that you’ll want to steer clear of to keep your dog safe and sound.

What Animals Attack Dogs? Keep Your Dog Safe

1. Wolves

Wolves usually stay away from people and their dogs, preferring to avoid contact. They’re rarely a threat to humans and only sometimes go after dogs if they feel threatened or see the dog as prey, especially in places where they live close by.

characteristics of wolves

Wolves like to stick to the wild and hunt there, not bothering others. The best way to keep your dog safe around wolves is to keep them on a leash. You can keep your animals safe with some precautions like:

What should I do if I see a wolf while I'm out walking my dog
  • Provide indoor spaces for pets at night, like dog houses or barns.
  • Use chain-link fences around places where dogs hang out or where livestock stay over winter.
  • Put up electric fences to protect dogs and livestock.
  • Install lights where your dogs and livestock stay.
  • Remove plants and bushes to clear the area around where your dogs and livestock hang out.
  • Set up devices that make noise to scare off predators.

2. Coyotes

dogs predators

Coyotes usually don’t attack people or big dogs but might chase small dogs or cats, especially in areas where you find lots of them. They’ve gotten used to living close to cities and like to roam around at night. In places like California, coyotes are known to harm more pets than elsewhere.

characteristics of coyotes

Coyotes might attack dogs, and it often depends on how big the dog is, how the dog and the coyote act, and if the coyote can find other food. Since coyotes aren’t picky eaters, they might think a small dog is food if they’re really hungry. Dogs that are on their own are more at risk of a coyote attack.

If a coyote follows you and your dog. here’s what you need to do:

  • Don’t run or turn away; coyotes are fast.
  • Keep your dog close on a short leash.
  • If your dog is small, pick them up.
  • Scare the coyote by yelling “Go Away!” and making noise with keys or clapping.

3. Raccoons

will a raccoon attack a dog

Raccoons can sometimes attack pet dogs, not to be mean, but to defend themselves. They can be really dangerous because they might carry rabies, which is deadly for dogs that aren’t vaccinated. A raccoon’s bite can seriously hurt your dog and make them sick.

characteristics of raccoons

Keep dogs inside unless they’re on a leash, even in usually safe spots like dog parks, and always keep a close eye on them. Don’t let your dog out at night on their own.

Also, don’t feed your dog outside where raccoons can get to the food. If you have to feed your dog outside, take the food away as soon as your dog has finished eating. Be sure to keep your garbage cans closed tight so raccoons don’t come looking for a meal.

4. Mountain Lions

do dogs have predators

Mountain lions are big predators that can be dangerous. They are very protective of their space and might attack pets, or people they think are trespassing.

characteristics of mountain lions

Research revealed that 52% of mountain lions analyzed in the study had eaten pets like cats and dogs. This means that mountain lions often hunt in places where people live because it’s easier to find food, like cats and dogs.

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Small dogs are not seen as a threat to mountain lions but more like something they can eat. They sometimes grab cats or small dogs that are left outside alone. If mountain lions live near you, be extra careful with your pets.

Here are some quick tips to keep your dog safe:

  • Keep dogs inside at night.
  • Always use a leash for late-night or early-morning bathroom breaks.
  • Use outdoor lights or a flashlight when walking your dog in the dark.
  • Light-up collars or clip-on lights for your pet’s collar can help you see them and keep predators away.
  • Carry an air horn when walking your dog to scare away wildlife.
  • Never let your dog chase animals like deer, and always follow leash rules on trails.
  • You can live safely with dogs in mountain lion areas if you stay aware of your surroundings.

5. Alligators

what is a dogs predator

Alligators are rare in most parts of the U.S., so most dog owners don’t have to worry. However, in the South, like Florida, which has the highest number of alligators, it’s a different story. They can hide in the water near beaches or marshes, and you might not even see them.

characteristics of alligators

When you’re in places where alligators might live, here are some simple safety tips for your dog:

  • Always keep your pet on a short leash and away from the water’s edge.
  • Don’t let your pet go into fresh or brackish waters. Swim only in places meant for swimming and not at dusk or dawn when alligators are most active.
  • Keep your dog from drinking from lakes or rivers. Alligators can smell them and might think they’re food.
  • If you hear hissing, stay away. It means an alligator feels threatened.
  • If an alligator comes near your pet, move away slowly. Alligators can move very fast for short distances.

6. Bears

will black bears attack dogs

Bears are showing up more often in places where people and their dogs live because they’re losing their natural homes and looking for food. Black bears are the ones you’ll probably see around your neighborhood, trying to snack from bird feeders or trash bins. They’re pretty shy, so if you make some noise, they’ll usually back off.

characteristics of bears

But, if a dog without a leash goes up to a bear, the bear might see it as a threat. Some surprising bear attack statistics show that dogs play a significant role in black bear incidents: 25% of all black bear conflicts involve a dog. Out of these, 79% of the conflicts happened with dogs that were not on a leash. Unfortunately, 40% of these encounters led to serious injuries.

If you run into a bear while with your dog, here’s what to do:

  • Keep your dog on a short leash.
  • If your dog is small, pick it up quickly but safely, and keep one hand free for bear spray.
  • If your dog is big, pull in the leash so there’s no slack, and your dog stays close to you without jumping around.
  • Speak in a calm voice to both your dog and the bear while you stay put.

7. Snakes

what are dogs predators

Snakes usually don’t see dogs as food and will try to avoid a fight. But dogs can be curious and might bother a snake, which could lead to a snake bite. Venomous snakes, like rattlesnakes or copperheads, are especially dangerous to dogs, and smaller ones are more at risk because of their size.

characteristics of snakes

If a snake bites your dog, you need to get to a vet fast. Don’t try to fight the snake because it could bite you too. Here’s how to keep your dog safe from snakes when you’re outside:

  1. Don’t let your dog check out holes or dig under rocks; snakes might live there.
  2. Stay on clear paths when walking, keep away from tall grass, and always use a leash.
  3. Listen for the sound snakes make, like a rattle or buzzing, to warn you.
  4. If you see a dead snake, keep your dog away—it could still bite.
  5. At home, make your yard less snake-friendly – mow your lawn short near your house, keep woodpiles away from your house, and fill in any gaps or holes in your yard.

8. Birds

do hawks attack dogs at night

Hawks, owls, and other birds of prey might not tell the difference between your dog and their usual prey, like rabbits. Although it’s not common, these birds can see dogs as food or a threat. Here are some simple tips to keep your dog safe from birds of prey:

birds attacking dogs
  • Always be with your dog when they’re outside. Birds usually won’t come close if you’re there.
  • Consider building a covered area for your dog to play in safely. It also provides shelter from bad weather.
  • If you can’t have a covered space, let your dog stay under trees or close to bushes.
  • Bring more than one dog outside if you can. More dogs can scare off birds.
  • Hang up shiny, moving things like streamers in your yard. They can keep birds away.
  • Don’t leave bird food on the ground; it attracts birds of prey.
  • Feed your dog inside and clean up any food left outside that might attract smaller animals.
  • Try to stay out of places where you know birds of prey like to hunt.

9. Skunks

attack dog

Skunks are known for their strong smell, which they use to protect themselves. While they usually avoid fights, skunks will spray a very smelly liquid if they feel scared. They might also bite or scratch if something gets too close.

What Animals Attack Dogs

If your dog gets sprayed by a skunk, it can be really uncomfortable and smelly. To avoid this:

  • Keep your dog away from skunks.
  • Watch for skunk warning signs like raising their tail, stomping their feet, and hissing; if you see these, back off.
  • If your dog does get sprayed, there are home remedies to help get rid of the smell.
  • Stop skunks from coming close by not leaving food outside and keeping trash cans closed.


In conclusion, pets, especially dogs, can face threats from various wild animals, ranging from small critters to larger predators. Whether small dog breeds or large or energetic breeds, all can become targets for other animals looking for food sources or feeling threatened.

While coyote attacks on pets are a concern, it’s important to be aware of all other wild animals that could pose a risk. Direct eye contact or approaching them can increase the risk of an attack, leading to injuries or even soft tissue damage.

To keep your pets safe, it’s crucial to manage their interactions with any wild animal, secure food sources, and supervise outdoor activities, ensuring both small animals and larger dogs avoid unnecessary risks. 

By admin

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